Diary of Serbia and Macedonia
In March this year, Bill Thomas (President) and his wife Grace, along with Iain Mair (Executive Director) and his wife Jenny, travelled to Serbia and Macedonia to spend some time with staff members Zeljko Popovic and Dragan Koncarevic and see first-hand how the ministry in Eastern Europe is developing.
They reported that the visit was a time of wonderful blessing and encouragement. Meetings were held with members and church leaders, including government officials, in seeking to receive permission to place Scriptures in schools and other institutions.
We thought it would be a great idea to share with our readers a diary account, with photos, of their visit.
Friday 4 March
The flight from London Heathrow was well on time, followed by a very warm Serbian welcome at Belgrade airport from Zeljko, Dragan, and their families. This warmth of welcome and fellowship was experienced throughout the entire trip.
Saturday 5 March
A conference was held with church leaders and Serbian GOOD NEWS for Everyone! members. Invitations were extended to Mr Radomir Sando, the Priest for Education of the Orthodox Church (above centre), and Mr Stanislav Hocevar, the head of Roman Catholic church in Serbia (above with Jenny), who were pleased to attend and spoke very positively in support of our work in Serbia. The conference sessions were very encouraging and followed by great fellowship over a buffet meal.
It was a privilege to meet Dragan’s mother at the conference, pictured with Dragan (left) and Zeljko. This elderly lady is a faithful Sister in Christ who, along with other family members and others met during the trip, faced many hardships under communism.
Sunday 6 March
It is always a blessing to fellowship with God’s people around the world. Pastor Igor Feldy of Evangelical Church in Stara Pazova, not far from Belgrade, is a faithful supporter of GOOD NEWS for Everyone! in Serbia. His church is where the Serbian Hope magazines and Scriptures are stored……in a bomb proof shelter!
Monday 7 March
Positive meetings were held with church leaders and Government officials to discuss obtaining permission to place Scriptures. A particularly warm welcome was received from the Head of the Roman Catholic who was very supportive of Testaments being presented to school pupils in the Roman Catholic schools.
Tuesday 8 March
Setting off from Belgrade with snow on the ground, it was a long but uneventful drive south to Macedonia, staying at Gevgelija, on the border with Greece. This gave an opportunity to see where the Macedonian Hope magazines and Macedonian Testaments are stored. It was good to meet Jovan Bachovski (pictured above with Iain) and his family. Since the visit, Jovan has been appointed as GOOD NEWS for Everyone! representative in Macedonia.
Wednesday 9 March
50 Evangelical Pastors from all over Macedonia attended a conference in Gevgelija, each one very encouraging and supportive of the work of GOOD NEWS for Everyone! and keen to be involved in the distribution of God’s Word along with their congregations.
After the conference, a drive to Skopje, capital of Macedonia and a relaxing evening as the trip came to an end.
Thursday 10 March
Goodbyes at Skopje Airport, with tears, returning on the flight home to Luton with much thanksgiving and great anticipation of what the Lord is going to do in Serbia and Macedonia by His grace. Thank you for your prayers, please keep praying that doors will be open to the presentation of many copies of the Word of God in Serbia and Macedonia and we will have the joy and encouragement of many coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.