Donate to Good News for Everyone!
We rely on the generosity of individuals, like you, to share the Word of God in your local area and internationally. Our team of around 4,500 volunteers in the UK, which keeps our costs low, so we can buy more Scriptures. Last year, thanks to our faithful supporters, over 600,000 Scriptures were presented in the UK.
What your Donation Will Buy
- £30 will buy 10 copies of the New Testament & Psalms to place at Hospital bedsides
- £70 will provide 30 New Testament & Psalms to be given out in Residential and Care Homes
- £180 will pay for 200 students to receive a Gospel magazine
- £1000 can provide 200 Bibles for Hotels and Guesthouses in the UK
Give Online
You can make a donation quickly and securely online through our partners at Stewardship. You’ll have the opportunity to make a single gift donation or set up a regular monthly donation to help us distribute Bibles. If you are a UK taxpayer you can make your donation worth 25% more by using Gift Aid.

Finance Leaflet
Direct Debit
If you would like to set up a regular donation then please click on the button above and print a Direct Debit form to complete and send to the address on the form.
Becoming a Friend does not commit you in any way to giving donations to our work, but we do ask that you pray. If you are interested in becoming a Friend, please get in touch through the Contact Us page.
Cheque or Postal Order
You can also make a donation by sending a cheque, postal order or charity voucher to the following address. All cheques should be made payable to 'Good News for Everyone!' to this address: Good News for Everyone! George Street, Lutterworth, LE17 4EE
Gift Aid