Free Bibles For Schools

Free Bibles For Schools

For many years school pupils across the UK have been offered a ‘New Testament and Psalms’. This little red book, part of the Christian Scriptures, has been accepted by most young people regardless of their faith or no faith.  At different times in life many have turned to it and found it to be a source of advice and help, comfort and hope.


Free Bibles For Schools
Free Bibles For Schools


A visit by our members and the offer of a copy of the New Testament and Psalms (now including the Book of Proverbs) to pupils is a benefit to schools as it helps to ensure that all pupils know about and understand a range of religious beliefs. By offering copies to pupils, we are offering each school an opportunity to consider questions about respect for all and individual liberty, which is a key element of Prevent Duty Guidance.


Free Bibles For Schools - Available in the UK


School Assemblies

For many years, members have been invited to speak to school pupils at school assemblies and offer each pupil a copy of the New Testament and Psalms.  That offer still exists. If you are in a school that we have not visited, either as a teacher, a governor, or in any other capacity, and would like suitably qualified members to come and speak at an assembly in your school and offer Testaments to pupils, or if you would like to know more about what we offer please fill in the contact form below and someone will be in touch.