GOOD NEWS for Everyone! is looking to raise £90,000 in order to provide 30,000 Bibles for Lebanon.

Help us share God's Word in the Middle East

The training of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) to share the Gospel is a very important strategy. Trained MBBs working through the Resurrection Beirut church and other churches are reaching Muslim Lebanese and refugees with the Gospel and showing them the anchor and stability that a life rooted in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ provides.

In Saida (Sidon), a coastal city in southern Lebanon, MBBs are teaching about the Christian faith, using ShareWord Global Spark magazines, to groups of adults and families. They are holding meetings with groups of children, teaching them songs and sharing about Jesus, often in very hostile circumstances.

Christians that have overcome intense family pushback to their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are now leading others to put their faith and trust in Jesus through Spark groups!

Lebanon holds the most Syrian refugees per capita in the world. Those seeking relief from wars and violence in their home country face new challenges in Lebanon.

Because of the political disregard and the economic restrictions, it is incredibly difficult for Syrians to make any economic headway in Lebanon.

Many remain in refugee camps indefinitely, unable to build a better and more stable life.

Lebanon Spark Event

Faces blurred to protect identities

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There is a great NEED for God’s Word in Lebanon

Lebanon Refugees

Faces blurred to protect identities

Lebanon Refugees

Faces blurred to protect identities

Can you help to provide a Bible for the children of Lebanon?

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Please be much in prayer for Lebanon and the tremendous work that MBBs are undertaking.

“As a Muslim, I read the Bible in secret and I came to know Jesus and was baptised. People hate me because I speak about Jesus.”

“I called my father to tell him I had become a Christian, in response he said “I will kill you”.”

“We started going to church, although we were afraid of our neighbours and what they might do to us, and we came to put our faith and trust in Jesus.”

Help us share God's Word in the Middle East